
Older Adults & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) can affect people of all ages, including the elderly. However, it might be challenging to distinguish symptoms of SAD from other health issues commonly faced by seniors, such as chronic pain, medication side effects, or other medical conditions. Find out more about how SAD manifests in the elderly and what caregivers can do to support them.

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Life Change in Aging Care

Aging care often involves significant life changes, both for the seniors receiving care and their caregivers. These changes can be emotional, physical, and practical. Learn more about several aspects of life change that are common in aging care.

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Dementia Care Over The Holidays

Caring for someone with dementia during the holidays can be challenging, but with thoughtful planning and understanding, it can also be a meaningful and enjoyable time for both the person with dementia and their caregivers. Here are some tips for dementia care over the holidays: 1. Maintain Routine: Stick to a Schedule: Try to keep the person’s daily routine as…

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9 Early Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive brain disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is important to recognize the early symptoms, as early diagnosis can lead to better management of the condition. Here are nine early signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease: 1. Memory Loss: Difficulty Remembering Recently Learned Information: Forgetting recently acquired information, such as important dates or events,…

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How Family Photo Albums Connect Seniors and Caregivers

Family photo albums hold a special place in the hearts of many seniors, offering a powerful way to connect with caregivers and loved ones. Here’s how these albums can strengthen bonds between seniors and their caregivers: 1. Triggering Memories: Conversation Starters: Looking through old photos can spark conversations about past experiences, helping seniors reminisce about their lives. Caregivers can learn…

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No Need to Wait for the Future – Technology Works for Seniors Now

Absolutely, technology can greatly enhance the lives of seniors right now. Many technological advancements are specifically designed to cater to the needs and preferences of older adults, improving their quality of life and helping them stay connected with the world. Here are some ways technology benefits seniors: 1. Communication: Smartphones and Tablets: User-friendly smartphones and tablets provide easy access to…

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Tips for Keeping the Senior in Your Life Active

Helping seniors stay active is crucial for their physical and mental well-being. Here are some tips to encourage activity in the seniors in your life: 1. Encourage Social Activities: Social interaction is vital for seniors’ mental health. Encourage them to participate in group activities, clubs, or social gatherings. This could include book clubs, knitting circles, or community events. 2. Promote…

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